10th Year of Plain Bible Teaching

It is hard to believe, but here we are. Plain Bible Teaching officially launched on August 1, 2005, so today is the beginning of year number ten.

Anniversaries like this are good opportunities to show some appreciation for all of you who read, comment, and share these articles with others. Thank you. I hope that God is glorified through the efforts made here and that others might find the material to be encouraging and instructive.

As we move into the 10th year of Plain Bible Teaching, the plan is to continue pretty much at the same pace as the past few years, with one exception. I have decided that the weekly newsletter that is sent out on the last Friday of each month will have a featured post from the archives rather than a new article. I decided to do this for two reasons:

  1. It will allow me to go back and highlight some older articles on this site. I periodically include posts from the archives in the newsletter already, but the main article in the newsletter always gets considerably more views than any of the other links in the newsletter. This will bring more exposure to some of the older articles.
  2. It will give me one week a month in which I don’t have to post a new article. I hope no one misunderstands that statement. I love writing, though when I was younger I never would have thought I’d say that. No one forces me to post articles on this site. I do it because I enjoy writing these articles and because I strongly believe that writing – even today – is a vitally important way to help spread the gospel. At the same time, I also realize that as I get older, it becomes more difficult to keep up the same schedule that I did when I was in my twenties. As much as I don’t want to admit it, with the other responsibilities I have (preaching for a local church, working a full-time secular job, raising a family, etc.), it is probably wise to take periodic breaks from writing. The weekly newsletter will still be sent out every Friday, but the last one each month will have a featured article from the archives in place of a new article.

Also, if you’ve visited the site before, you’ll probably notice that it has gone through a redesign. That happened last week. Overall, I believe it is an improvement. But if you notice anything that doesn’t look right, or something that is missing (or not easy to locate), let me know.

Aside from those changes, the plan for the 10th year is simply to continue publishing material that can be accurately described as Plain Bible Teaching. Again, thank you for your continued interest and support in this effort. I hope this site continues to be a source of encouragement and instruction for you.



  1. David Clark says

    I look forward to your articles each week! I came across Plain Bible Teaching this past winter and look forward to solid teaching over the next decade. Thank you for your time and dedication Andy.

  2. Thank you, David. I appreciate your encouragement.