The Need for Godly Women

Woman by the lake

This is a follow-up to a recent article: The Need for Godly Men. While it is true that many of our society’s problems are related to the fact that men are not fulfilling their God-given roles in the home and in society, the same is also true of women. For a long time, feminism has attacked the concepts and instructions contained in the Scriptures regarding the roles of women in general and of wives and mothers specifically.

Sadly, many in the church have been affected by this to the point in which they quickly dismiss what the Scriptures teach about the role of women as if it is no longer relevant or applicable to our modern time. Yet if more women would fulfill the role that God has given to them, the less problems we would have in our society.

  • Women who are married must submit to their husbands (Ephesians 5:22) and respect their husbands (Ephesians 5:33). Being subject is necessary because of the leadership role that God has given to men in the home (Ephesians 5:23). It is important that submitting to her husband is done out of respect, rather than grudgingly, as her actions reflect not only her attitude toward her husband, but also toward God who gave the roles from the beginning (Genesis 2:18; 3:16; 1 Timothy 2:11-14).
  • Women who are married are also to be supportive of their husbands. In beginning, God created Eve to be “a helper suitable for [Adam]” (Genesis 2:18). As the husband is the head of the household (Ephesians 5:23), the wife is to support him in that work so he can fulfill his role. The husband of the virtuous woman was “known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land” (Proverbs 31:23). In those days, this was a place of honor and respect. His place there was possible, in part, by having a good “help meet” (Genesis 2:18, KJV) who very capably fulfilled her responsibilities within the home so he could focus on his responsibilities outside of the home.
  • Women who are mothers are to “love their husbands [and] their children” (Titus 2:4). In context, Paul told Titus that the older women were to teach the younger women to do this. This means that love, in the Biblical sense, is more than just an emotion or feeling. Love must be displayed “in deed and truth” (1 John 3:18). The fact that the younger women were to be taught to love their husbands and children indicates that it is not always easy to do. However, even during times of frustration, hardship, and stress, women must show love to those in the home.
  • Women who are mothers are to work to raise their children (1 Timothy 5:10). Fathers, because of their position of leadership in the home, are responsible to “bring [their children] up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). However, as a “helper” (Genesis 2:18), mothers are to help in this work. Furthermore, given the fact that a woman’s role is primarily domestic (more on this in a moment), mothers will generally spend more time with their young children than the fathers will. Therefore, it is essential that mothers nurture (1 Thessalonians 2:7) and teach their children (2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14-15) while they are young.
  • Women who are Christians must devote themselves to good works (1 Timothy 5:10). We can see what God considers a “good work” when we study the Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Practicing those things that God has instructed is necessary for a godly life. Paul wrote that women are to “adorn themselves with proper clothing…by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness” (1 Timothy 2:9-10).
  • Women who are Christians should seek to teach within the role that God has given. The New Testament prohibits women from teaching or leading men in the realm of spiritual things (1 Timothy 2:11-12) and from speaking out in the assembly of the church (1 Corinthians 14:34). However, just because a woman cannot preach or teach in a group or assembly that includes men, that does not mean that she cannot teach at all. She can certainly teach her own children (2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14-15). By implication, we can conclude that since she is prohibited from teaching men (1 Timothy 2:12), she is permitted to teach other children besides her own. She can also teach women (Titus 2:3-5). Just because a woman cannot be a preacher does not mean that these other opportunities to teach should be neglected. They are very important.
  • Women who are not Christians need to become disciples of Christ. The greatest benefit that Timothy received from his mother and grandmother was the example and influence of their “sincere faith” (2 Timothy 1:5). Jesus expects all of us – men and women – to influence others through our good works to turn to God (Matthew 5:16).
  • Women are to be “workers at home” (Titus 2:5). While we cannot go to the Bible and find that a woman is prohibited from working outside of the home, the Scriptures are clear that a woman’s primary role is within the home. In order to avoid sin, Paul told the younger widows to “get married, bear children, keep house, and give the enemy no occasion for reproach” (1 Timothy 5:14). While a woman may be able to have a career outside of the home, she is not to do so if it causes her to neglect her God-given responsibilities within the home.
  • Women are to seek to help those who are in need. The virtuous woman was described as one who “extends her hand to the poor, and she stretches out her hands to the needy” (Proverbs 31:20). Peter raised Tabitha from the dead, a woman known for “abounding with deeds of kindness and charity which she continually did” (Acts 9:36).
  • Women are to possess a modest heart. While it is important for women to dress “modestly” (1 Timothy 2:9), modesty is about more than just clothing – it is a way of life. Peter wrote, “Your adornment must not be merely external—braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God” (1 Peter 3:3-4). In words, actions, clothing, and so on, women are to be modest in order to please God. This modesty is the opposite of the feminism and narcissism prevalent in our modern society.

Many of the comments above will not be popular with those in the world. However, the goal in teaching this is not to be popular, but to accurately represent and explain the Scriptures (cf. 1 Peter 4:11). Let the women – young and old, married and unmarried – seek to conform their lives to God’s word rather than to the godless society around us.



  1. Wayne D. Teel says

    A very good and needed article. I appreciate your thinking and way of writing. Thank you for addressing this issue. The need for godly women is very great in our society today. Would to God that we had more women wanting to be godly!

  2. Thank you, brother Teel. I appreciate your comment.