“Let the Women Keep Silent in the Churches”

Bible Reading

[This article was written by Tim Haile.] For centuries, questions and controversies have existed among religious people over the role of women in the work and worship of the local church. Two extreme positions have arisen: Some have concluded that the Bible authorizes women to preach and hold positions of authority within the local church. […]

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The Three Things Jesus Accomplished in His Death


Toward the end of a lengthy discussion of Jesus’ work as our high priest, the Hebrew writer provided a summary in his explanation of Psalm 40:6-8. In this explanation, he spoke of the three things Jesus came to the earth to accomplish.

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Is the Church of Christ a Denomination?

Church of Christ

This question will come up from time to time as we interact with those around us. To many, churches of Christ (labeled by some as “Church of Christ”) are just one denomination among many. This perception can lead them to view the members of churches of Christ as hypocrites – condemning denominationalism while (allegedly) being […]

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Quibbles About Baptism

Quibbles About Baptism

One of the major distinctions between brethren and the religious world relates to how we understand baptism. We teach that baptism is necessary for salvation (Mark 16:16; 1 Peter 3:21), is for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16), and is our entrance into the Lord’s kingdom (Acts 2:41, 47; 1 Corinthians 12:13). Many others […]

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Debt & Forgiveness

[This article was written by Robert A. Sochor.] In Matthew 18:23-35, Jesus taught the parable of the unmerciful servant. For every generation it is relevant and helps us understand the need for forgiveness: forgiveness granted to the king’s servant as well as the forgiveness and mercy that were denied to the servant’s debtor. The king […]

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Our Purpose in Life

Sunset by the ocean

People naturally want their lives to have a purpose. Depression often comes when someone thinks his life has no meaning or when he thinks that the things he does have no lasting significance. It is easy to feel a lack of purpose and significance when we focus on physical things. This is what the book […]

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The Bible & Gay Marriage

I’ve written a few things about gay marriage and homosexuality recently (links at the end of this post). But something occurred to me today that I had not mentioned in a previous article. It’s a simple point, and maybe it will be another argument we can use when discussing this issue with others. Many believe […]

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