When Will the Lord Return?

ClockThe “end times” are an intriguing topic to many people. They wonder what will happen and speculate about when the end will be. Throughout the years, some have even tried to predict the date of Christ’s return; yet every one of these dates has come and gone. This is not a sign that the end of the world will not happen, just that there are false prophets who erroneously claim to know the “secret things” of God (Deuteronomy 29:29).

The Scriptures do not provide us with a date for the Lord’s return, nor are we given signs to look for that will signal that the end is approaching. However, the New Testament certainly provides a description for when the Lord will return. So in this article, we will use the Bible to answer this question: When will the Lord return?
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Lessons From a Lightning-Struck Statue of Jesus

By now you have likely heard of the giant statue of Jesus that caught on fire after being struck by lightning. This event has some wondering what it means. Was this some sort of sign from God? Or was it just some random event?

Tim Haile of the Parkway church of Christ has just written a thought-provoking article about this event in which he briefly discusses divine providence, signs from heaven, and the nature of faith. I encourage you to check out his article — Lessons From a Lightning-Struck Statue of Jesus.